2015 Gallery
Winner: Best Retail Design
The Uncarved Block for The District
New South Wales

THE DISTRICT provides a significant hospitality venue to service the upper and lower North Shore community.
This project deals with the challenges of excess height, a train station and a large characterless open floor plate.
We undertook to create a mass dining venue that distorts space and transcends location.
Jury Citation
For decades, multi-tenant food and beverage spaces have attempted to define themselves by enforcing a (necessarily artificial) uniformity onto their operators. But now, identity is increasingly fragmented, chaos privileged over coherence, individuality preferenced over mass and the old food courts have begun to segue into new generation dining precincts. The District at Chatswood Interchange shopping mall is a prime example of this shift. Riffing on Ridley Scotts Blade Runner, the eclectic interior feels as if it has evolved, or perhaps devolved, organically over time, creating an experiential destination animated by a roster of indie operators. Whats interesting is that for all its apparent quotation of an Asian street aesthetic, The District very adroitly sidesteps pastiche. Design firm The Uncarved Block has managed to majestically convert a cavernous 3000-square-metre floor plate into a nuanced, multi-faceted complex of internal laneways, bespoke graphics and innovative digital artwork. If this is the future of mass market eating, its a very exciting time for design.